Montag, 10. Dezember 2007

Epiktet, Wachstumshormon u. Gedächtnis

mi 6° R 8033

- "Von den Dingen stehen die einen in unserer Gewalt, die anderen nicht. In unserer Gewalt stehen: unsere Meinung, unser Handeln, unser Begehren und Meiden - kurz: all unser Tun, das von uns ausgeht." Epiktet

-"In the search for the mechanisms that mediate the effects of sleep on
the consolidation of memories, growth hormone (GH) recently became of
interest, because in humans it is released mainly during slow-wave sleep (SWS), a
period of enhanced declarative memory consolidation."
Gais S, Hüllemann P, Hallschmid M, Born J., Department of Neuroendocrinology, University of Lübeck, Germany, Sleep-dependent surges in growth hormone do not contribute to
sleep-dependent memory consolidation.