Als Bangladesch 1971 den Kampf um seine Unabhängigkeit begann, setzte Pakistan seine Armee in Marsch, die Millionen Bengalis tötete und rund zehn Millionen vertrieb. Doch kein einziger arabischer Staat fand das anstößig, im Gegenteil; Westpakistan wurde unterstützt.
Es scheint, der junge Herr Macron mit dem großen Mundwerk muß noch viel lesen und lernen, damit er begreift, daß die aggressiven Arabergruppen Hamas und PLO im Westjordanland und in Gaza keinerlei Unterstützung verdienen, solange sie nicht öffentlich jeder Gewalt abschwören und Israel und seine Hauptstadt bedingungslos anerkennen.
“Compassion is flexible and eminently adaptable to political reality; that is to say it conforms to the best interests of self, family, and allies of the moment. The Palestinian refugees have received the sympathy of the world and have been the beneficiaries of rage among the Arab nations. But little is said about the Arabs killed by King Hussein or those who live in Arab countries with fewer civil rights and under far worse material conditions than the displaced people of the West Bank. When Bangladesh began its move toward independence in 1971, the President of Pakistan unleashed the Punjabi army in a campaign of terror that ultimately cost the lives of a million Bengalis and drove 9.8 million others into exile. In this war more Moslem people were killed or driven from their homes than make up the entire populations of Syria and Jordan. Yet not a single Arab state, conservative or radical, supported the Bangladesh struggle for independence. Most denounced the Bengalis while proclaiming Islamic solidarity with West Pakistan.”
Wilson, Edward O.. On Human Nature (S.155). Harvard University Press. Kindle-Version.