Mobbing in der Grundschule war immer ein Problem, das möglicherweise eher abgenommen hat, weil ihm mehr Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet wird - auch in großen und teuren Untersuchungen.
The findings of this study demonstrate the power of classroom norms. Our results support the idea that antibullying interventions should, indeed, include universal actions (i.e., activities that target the whole school class). Also, although our study did not evaluate teacher-effects, it is important to consider teachers’ beliefs about bullying and their actions in bullying situations (e.g., Kochenderfer- Ladd & Pelletier, 2008), inasmuch as teachers are likely to affect student views of and actions against bullying. By studying how multiple individual and contextual factors operate together we can become better equipped to improve existing antibullying interventions and thereby improve the plight of children who suffer from negative actions by their classmates."
Classroom Norms of Bullying Alter the Degree to Which Children Defend in Response to Their Affective Empathy and Power
Kätlin Peets Utrecht University and Tallinn University
Virpi Pöyhönen University of Turku
Jaana Juvonen University of California, Los Angeles
Christina Salmivalli University of Turku
This study examined whether the degree to which bullying is normative in the classroom would moderate associations between intra- (cognitive and affective empathy, self-efficacy beliefs) and interpersonal (popularity) factors and defending behavior. Participants were 6,708 third- to fifth-grade children (49% boys; Median age 11 years) from 383 classrooms. ..."
Developmental Psychology © 2015 American Psychological Association 2015, Vol. 51, No. 7, 913–920 0012-1649/15/$12.00