Donnerstag, 9. Februar 2017

Researchers find brief, intense stair climbing is a practical way to boost fitness

Researchers find brief, intense stair climbing is a practical way to boost fitness: There are no more excuses for being out of shape. Researchers at McMaster University have found that short, intense bursts of stair climbing, which can be done virtually anywhere, have major benefits for heart health.
The findings negate the two most common excuses of couch potatoes: no time and no access to the gym.

Daniel Herskedal 'The Mistral Noir' from Slow Eastbound Train

Eine schlimme Geschichte

Fehlt noch die Zählung, wie oft der Vertrag gebrochen wurde: rund 100 mal (102)! 
Die Bundestagsparteien, die den Euro ohne Referendum eingeführt haben, sind unwählbar.