Fleckenlos - keine Eruptionen auf der Sonne
Wenn die Sonne weniger aktiv ist, wird zum Beispiel die energiereiche Ultraviolettstrahlung reduziert und weniger Strahlung erreicht die oberen Schichten der Atmospäre.
Mike Lockwood hat Aufzeichnungen über 350 Jahre hinweg ausgewertet.
" Solar influences on climate
Gray, L. J., Beer, J., Geller, M., Haigh, J.D., Lockwood, M., Matthes, K., Cubasch, U., Fleitmann, D., Harrison, G., Hood, L. , Luterbacher, J. , Meehl, G.A. , Shindell, D. , van Geel, B. and White, W. (2010) Solar influences on climate. Reviews of Geophysics, 48 (RG4001). ISSN 8755-1209
To link to this item DOI: 10.1029/2009RG000282
Understanding the influence of solar variability on the Earth’s climate requires knowledge of solar variability, solar-terrestrial interactions and the mechanisms determining the response of the Earth’s climate system. We provide a summary of our current understanding in each of these three areas. Observations and mechanisms for the Sun's variability are described, including solar irradiance variations on both decadal and centennial timescales and their relation to galactic cosmic rays. Corresponding observations of variations of the Earth’s climate on associated timescales are described, including variations in ozone, temperatures, winds, clouds, precipitation and regional modes of variability such as the monsoons and the North Atlantic Oscillation. A discussion of the available solar and climate proxies is provided. Mechanisms proposed to explain these climate observations are described, including the effects of variations in solar irradiance and of charged particles. Finally, the contribution of solar variations to recent observations of global climate change are discussed."